Lenten Schedule
Lenten Schedule: For this year, the Parish is joining with the West Perry Ministerium with Lenten Services. They are held on Sunday evenings at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted. If you would like something in the mid-week, you are encouraged to attend Bible Study.
March 23: Three Springs with Pastor Don Funk
March 30: Centre Presbyterian with Pastor Kipp or Pastor Weaver
April 6: Zion UCC in Blain with Pastor Mark Snyder
April 13: St. Paul Lutheran – The Good News Singers at 3:00 PM
April 17: St Matthew’s in Millerstown for Maundy Thursday
April 18: Good Friday Service at Tressler with Pastor Brian Stambaugh
April 20: Easter at Mt. Zion and Tressler with Pastor Brian Stambaugh
8:45 AM: Mt. Zion in Landisburg
10:30 AM: Tressler Memorial in Loysville
Easter Egg Hunt
Come one, Come All for Tressler Memorial's annual Community Easter Egg Hunt. It will be held on Saturday, April 12th at 10:00 AM in Loysville. Little to Grade 5 are welcome to attend. Spread the word, and be sure to bring a friend!
Come one, come all....to Vacation Bible School this year! It will be held from Monday, June 16th through Thursday, June 19th from 6:00-8:00 PM. Location will be at Tressler Memorial Free Lutheran Church in Loysville. CALL 717-789-4522 to pre-register!
There will be games, crafts, stories, science station, music and of course snacks!
Ages up until 5th grade are welcome. If you completed 5th grade this year, you are still welcome to attend.
Bible Study is offered at Tressler Memorial on Wednesdays, starting at 6:30 PM. Take a journey with us as we discover and discuss God's word. Join us and bring a friend!
WEDNESDAYS AT 6:30 PM in the Narthex.
Quilting Group meets every Monday at 9:00 in the Mt. Zion Social Hall. Quilts are made and given to local charities to distribute to people in need. Be sure to stop by and check out the beautiful handiwork that is done on a weekly basis. All are welcome to attend.